The DMA and Spam
The Direct Marketing Association thinks that “opt-out” is the answer to spam.
There are 5,657,774 firms in America
The average corporate user receives 99 emails/day.
64% is spam = 63 spam emails per day.
Say every firm in America decided to follow the DMA guidelines, and each sent just one email to you, and say all those emails were spread out evenly over fifteen years.
You’d be sorting through over 1000 emails per day, and you’d have to opt out of each and every one to satisfy the DMA. And that’s OK with the DMA.
Unsolicited email is spam, and it is a big problem. Nothing in the DMA’s “Tackling the Spam Issue” addresses the problem of unsolicited email. The DMA’s complicity in spam is a big problem.
There are 5,657,774 firms in America
The average corporate user receives 99 emails/day.
64% is spam = 63 spam emails per day.
Say every firm in America decided to follow the DMA guidelines, and each sent just one email to you, and say all those emails were spread out evenly over fifteen years.
You’d be sorting through over 1000 emails per day, and you’d have to opt out of each and every one to satisfy the DMA. And that’s OK with the DMA.
Unsolicited email is spam, and it is a big problem. Nothing in the DMA’s “Tackling the Spam Issue” addresses the problem of unsolicited email. The DMA’s complicity in spam is a big problem.
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