A Formal Joke
I say "Hike" you say "Hike who?"
Haiku knock knock joke.
![]() | What are the roots of the remix culture? You can ask Lawrence Lessig or you can ask your kid. This year's inductees to the National Toy Hall of Fame were Candyland, the Jack-in-the-Box, and... The Cardboard Box. It's the ultimate open system. |
On highway 580 in Richmond, California, this morning, the smoke was definitely white.
So tell me this: I remember in the papal elections 26 years ago that there was confusion - is the smoke white? Is it black? Geez, I don't know. It looks kind of gray.
The Vatican, worth trillions, had 26 years to put the best and brightest on a simple task: make the white smoke look really white, make the black smoke look really black. Disney can set off fireworks that look like Mickey Mouse. It's 2005, make the smoke work. Today it was: Is it black, is it white. It's sort of gray...
Hey, if they can crank it out at a factory in Berkeley, they can do it in Rome!
Drag these links to your toolbar, then when you highlight a word on a page you're browsing and click on the bookmarklet, you'll get the del.icio.us page of links tagged using that word (tag?) or the del.icio.us page of popular links (lots of links added recently) using that word as a tag. Try it: highlight (select) this word: design and see the del.icio.us entries for the word "design".
Thanks to Aaron Straup Cope for the base code I yoinked for this.
SpellWeb went from scraping all the search engines I could scrape down to the one that gave me a true API to its results: Google. Several weeks ago, I added Alexa results, and now that Yahoo! has opened up their APIs to developers, it was a simple matter to add Yahoo! search results as well, so check it out.
The Yahoo! APIs, use the simple REST web service interface, so the call to Yahoo! is based on an http request with parameters, and parsing the XML file that's returned. For SpellWeb, I'm using a Perl script that uses LWP to make the call and XPATH to read the results.