Friday, April 29, 2005

SF AM radio station to go all podcast

I saw this in the Chron today: KYCY AM is switching over from talk radio to podcast. I'm not sure what to think about this reverse commute. Part of the appeal of podcasting is the personal choice subscription model where I control the content, so will this just be a commercialized radio version of public access TV? Could there something like Comcast's On Demand or TiVo's Season Pass? Like a combination of Sirius and Streamium? What I'd really like is an iPodder appliance for my dashboard so my "radio" streams my subscriptions directly via satellite so that I don't have to sync my iPod at a computer and then hook it into my car to listen.

That, and I'm going to miss Imus in the Morning. Unless, of course, I can start getting it on my iPod.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Habemus papam

Habeus papum

On highway 580 in Richmond, California, this morning, the smoke was definitely white.

So tell me this: I remember in the papal elections 26 years ago that there was confusion - is the smoke white? Is it black? Geez, I don't know. It looks kind of gray.

The Vatican, worth trillions, had 26 years to put the best and brightest on a simple task: make the white smoke look really white, make the black smoke look really black. Disney can set off fireworks that look like Mickey Mouse. It's 2005, make the smoke work. Today it was: Is it black, is it white. It's sort of gray...

Hey, if they can crank it out at a factory in Berkeley, they can do it in Rome!

Friday, April 15, 2005

The Green Hills of .... Nevada?

East of Boulder City
East of Boulder City,
originally uploaded by srnelson.
It's been really green in the desert this spring. Here's a view looking east of Boulder City on March 7.

Monday, April 11, 2005

BBDO Releases Report: Cell Phones and Coitus Interruptus


Anyway, how can there be an article about this that doesn't mention the example that everybody actually saw.