4 more years - 1972 style
Those of you planning on voting for Richard Nixon tomorrow, let me assure you, if he is re-elected, you will get what you're asking for.
You're asking for four more years of Mr. Nixon's type of government, and that's what you'll get. And he won't have to be secret in his ways anymore because he will never face you for re-election again.
You're asking for four more years of a government that has brought you four years of inflation.
You're asking for four more years of a man who promised peace but gave you four more years of war, and you'll get the same again.
You're asking for four more years of a government of corruption and waste. And after four more years of Richard Nixon, you'll realize that maybe you really did have a choice in 1972 after all.
Well, he was elected in a landslide the next day, but at least we didn't have to wait four more years!
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